Raja Has Puppies

Written by Brother Gregory

Well, it’s been a long time since I, Brother Gregory, have had a dog that was pregnant.  It was a long- expected moment for both Raja and me, and the wait was worth it. This was Raja’s first litter of puppies; at first no one knew whether she had conceived, and all eyes were on any signs that the breeding had taken. “I think she is” and “No, she’s not” were common statements among the monks. I noticed that she was showing signs of being pregnant as she displayed a quieter side of herself, and then the “belly” began to show very slowly, nipples began to develop, and eventually the “belly” became very prominent. Eventually she looked as if she had swallowed a beer barrel. Sometimes she would lie on her side, and other times she would just spread out with all four legs extended. Going up stairs was difficult, and she didn’t show her usual energy flying up the stairs to the bedroom to get her evening cookies.  My sleep was often interrupted when she made sounds or stirred in her crate. July 15th was her due date, and the day passed without notice. Sometimes on walks I noticed that she would go behind bushes and dig the dirt; then I would take her over to the whelping room and let her look around and smell the room.

Her water broke on the 16th; Brother David and I were at her side. She was pushing without success, and she was getting tired. After an examination it was decided that she needed to go to the vet’s office. I was driving, Julia was in the back with Raja, and Brother David was driving the second car behind us. Off we went, down Route 372 to the vet’s, when after four miles I heard the sound of a newborn puppy’s cry. I lowered the car window and signaled to Brother David “puppy #1” with one finger extended in the air.  About three miles later I heard another puppy cry, so I again signaled to Brother David with two fingers: “puppy #2.” The third puppy was born in the vet’s exam room; then Raja went to the operating room for a Caesarian section (not the normal procedure, but required because of complications). Five more puppies were born. In all, Raja had eight puppies: seven males and one female, and they were all beautiful…of course. 

Raja now is doing very well. She is nursing and cleaning her puppies, and she is a good mommy. The puppies are about one week old, and they are growing, thanks to Raja’s milk and her attentive care.

Brother Gregory is doing well and catching up on his sleep. Cigars, anyone?

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