New Skete 9th Annual Pilgrimage in Photos

Photo recap of New Skete Pilgrimage held on August 10, 2013.
Photos provided by Bill Samsonoff - New Skete Chapel Member

Following Matins, Liturgy started outdoors near the reflecting pool.

Brother David leads the choir during Liturgy.

Clergy, choir and pilgrims process into Holy Wisdom Temple to complete Liturgy.

Father John Frazier censes the approaching pilgrims at the entrance to the temple.

The Bible being brought into the temple by Father Deacon Jeffrey Smith.

Acolyte Richard Headwell (left front) stands ready to assist the clergy at Liturgy
(left to right: Fr. John Fraizer, Fr. Peter Olsen, Hieromonk Marc and Fr. Michael Pelkon)

Brother Jacob's presentations on New Skete iconography were very popular.

Guest speaker, art historian William Hood, opened his presentation by leading
the pilgrims in the prayer "O Heavenly King"

Art historian William Hood speaks to the more than 100 gathered pilgrims
on the uses of visual art in spirituality.
         The Sunday following our Pilgrimage many visitors stayed over and joined us for the Divine Liturgy.  We were delighted that eleven youngsters, from Vermont, Boston and New Jersey, served by carrying icons and candles for the entrance procession.
At the church doors.

For the reading of the Gospel they encircled priest-monk Marc for its proclamation.

They assembled again for the procession with the Holy Gifts.

We had them pose after Liturgy with Brother Stavros, who shepherds them thru their tasks,
and Richard Headwell, our "dean of servers" to the right of the icon of Transfiguration in the nave.


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