New Skete Represents Communities at All-American Council

By Carl Patka, Lay Delegate


With the blessing of Brother Christopher and the support of the New Skete Chapel Community, I attended the All-American Council of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) as a lay delegate.  The Council represented the 14 dioceses of all the churches and monasteries in North America, including Canada, Mexico, and the United States, in a beautiful hotel conference space over five hot days from July 18 to 22 in Baltimore, Maryland. 


The theme of the All-American Council was “Becoming Vessels of Grace.”  In his opening address, his Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon said that while the Council on the surface looked like any large conference organized into many days of business meetings, the gathering was really like that of a large family, similar to his own Packard family reunion.  He said that  “we gather as Christians, as individuals of varied background, culture, and genealogy who yet share one common bond and seal of fellowship:  we all bear the Name of Christ.”  His Beatitude emphasize how the church has evolved over 225 years from a struggling missionary outpost in Russian Alaska to a continent-wide Metropolia.


The main piece of business conducted at the Council was the pension fund for Orthodox priests.  The pension fund has actuarial obligations to pay benefits of about $55 million but has only about $24 million in assets, leaving a significant deficit. There was considerable discussion on the level of future funding that will be needed to support the clergy pension system.  The Council was presented with a proposed amendment to the OCA statute.  The purposes of the proposed amendments were threefold: to codify the expectations of the Pension Board, to give oversight of the Pension Plan statements to the OCA Auditing Committee, and to change the composition of the Pension Board, including providing the Metropolitan the ability appoint three seats on the Pension Board rather than having all seats elected directly by the All-American Council delegates.  Speakers against the proposal indicated the importance of maintaining the independence of the Pension Board.  The measure did not achieve the two-thirds vote of all delegates required to carry an amendment to the OCA Statute, and it failed. On the last day of the Council, a resolution was adopted to provide training to Pension Board members and to require that a Pension Board representative regularly appear and report to the Metropolitan Council regarding the conditions, activities and status, of the pension plan.


The Council considered a separate measure to amend the Chancery Statute to create a new structural flow in the reporting structure in the Chancery and to relieve His Beatitude of certain direct responsibilities.  The proposed amendment passed overwhelmingly.


The Chancellor, Archpriest Alexander Rentel, reported on the turnover of personnel in the Chancery offices and the relocation of the Chancery of the OCA from Syosset, New York, to the Archdiocese of Washington, in McLean, Virginia.  The existing Chancery property in Syosset will be sold.  Presentations highlighted the fact that the OCA is growing primarily in the midwestern, southern and southwest portions of the United States.  The report on Stavropegial Monasteries presented by St. Tikhon’s Monastery addressed solely the activities of St. Tikhon’s Monastery.


In the spirit of family reunion, the Council was offered fascinating presentations and videos from the work of the Alaskan and Mexican Churches. A financial donation from the Chancery to the Mexican Church was approved to support its missionary work and growth of the OCA in Mexico.  His Beatitude strongly encouraged additional donations to support the Mexican Church.  Much emphasis was placed on the financial strain and clergy shortage faced by churches in Alaska, and the need for additional monetary support from the overall church to support clergy.  The OCA adopted a resolution to assist with future fundraising efforts:


Whereas Alaska is the cradle of Orthodoxy in America:  Be it resolved that the 20th AAC asks the Holy Synod of Bishops to designate annually the Sunday closest to the December feast of St. Herman, for a free-will collection from each parish in the Orthodox Church in America to support the Diocese of Alaska Clergy Endowment.     


The War in Ukraine touched the All-American Council in many respects.  The death and suffering of Orthodox Christians in Ukraine was remembered during liturgical services.  The work of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to help refugees and the sick and the suffering was highlighted in multiple presentations.  The Polish Orthodox Church and all Polish people have done tremendous work to welcome, house, feed, care for, and provide for the education of millions of refugees from the Ukraine War.  The OCA itself has condemned the war in Ukraine and has raised significant funds to assist Ukrainian refugees.  Finally, in a resolution carried nearly unanimously, the 20th All-American Council:


·       Expresses support for the statements of His Beautitude Metropolitan Tikhon and the Holy Synod condemning the aggression against Ukraine;

·       Expresses support for His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kyiv and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church;

·       Condemns the attacks upon parishes, monasteries, and temples whether by military action, seizure by other religious groups, or pressure and interference by civil authorities or occupying forces; and

·       Remembers with love the visit of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry to the 18th All-American Council in Atlanta. 


All told, the outpouring of support for Ukraine at the Council was truly impressive.


My main lesson learned as lay delegate for the New Skete Chapel Community circles back to  His Beautitude’s teaching that we each have a calling to become worthy vessels of the Name of Christ.  Regardless of all the resolutions and statements adopted at the Council, the feeling present in the Hilton Hotel ballroom at the Council dinner, at which about 600 hierarchs, clergy, monastics and lay participants came together, was truly one of brotherhood and sisterhood in Christ and the Theotokos.  With that spirit, we at New Skete can feel renewed in welcoming all those who wish to come together with us in the spirit of love, mercy, understanding, and compassion.

Brother Christopher Savage, Prior of New Skete, waiting to greet His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon at the All-American Council

His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon greeting the Holy Synod of Bishops at the All-American Council

His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon addressing the All-American Council Dinner





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