Holding Salvation in Her Arms

 By Ida Williams, with Sister Cecelia

In the past, I have written about the flurry of activity in preparation of Christmas at the monastery. This year I thought I would step out of my comfort zone and write about a personal experience.

I am moved by music. Especially contemporary Christian music. Last Sunday, at my church, we had a special guest sing an anthem for us. Sariah, a music teacher at Fort Ann school, has sung for us many times over the years, and this Sunday she did not disappoint. Her classically trained voice was accompanied by acoustic guitar as she sang “Mary Did You Know.” By the end of the song, I had tears on my checks. I am always impressed by those who can sing with such a depth of emotion and not break down.

The song goes through several verses, asking Mary if she knows the miracles that her child will perform. The final line is “That sleeping child you’re holding is the great I Am.” By this point I am completely involved in the song. And then a “whoa” moment. What would it be like to hold the Son of God in your arms? To know all that the angel Gabriel has told you, and to look at the face of your child and feel overwhelming love? The song left me with many more questions. How did Mary feel? Did she feel peace? Fear? Pride? Joy? Sorrow?

I decided to research (Google) the song. The song lyrics were written by Mark Lowry in 1984 as script for a Christmas program at his church. The music was written by Buddy Greene in 1991. The song is not without controversy. There are those who think that the lyrics address Mary as if she is ordinary, not extraordinary. I like to think that the questions in the song would be questions that I would ask Mary if I were able to have coffee with her. Of course, she knew, but I want to know what knowing meant to her. The lyrics do not offer that answer, but I think that the way the song is sung does. Over the years, many artists have recorded the song. My favorite is the recording by Kenny Rogers and Wynona. Other artists, to name a few, include the Pentatonix (an a capella group), Danny Gokey (contemporary Christian singer), Clay Aiken (American Idol contestant), CeeLo Green (rapper), Sanam (a pop/rock band from Mumbai, India—this one may surpass the one by Kenny Rogers), and Jordan Smith, (season nine winner of The Voice, who sang this during the finale of the show). Each artist leaves me with that “whoa” moment. Hitting the high, soaring notes in the refrain, then returning to the soft pleading questions in the final verse: “Mary, did you know?”

I got to thinking about how the monks and nuns use music and icons in their worship. Is there an icon that reflects “Mary Did You Know”? The Virgin and Child icon may be the visual equivalent of the song. I notice how her face is serene; she is looking at me, cradling her son in her arms. Her cheek is resting on His face.

Explanation of the icon by Sister Cecelia:

Mary is protectively holding the Christ Child, knowing from the Scriptures that the Messiah will not have an easy time. Simeon has already indicated that a sword would pierce her own heart because of the suffering Jesus would endure. Jesus holds a scroll symbolizing that he is a teacher. The lettering is in Greek and is abbreviated, indicated by the ~ above the letters. What looks like MP OY is really MR Theou: Mother of God. IC XC is Jesus Christ. The stars on Mary's shoulder and head are three (as one is also on her other shoulder) and symbolize Mary's virginity before, after, and during her pregnancy. They are sometimes understood as indicating the Trinity because she carried God in her womb.


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