By Brother Luke Sermon 171 Dec 8, 2019 Lk 8: 16-25; Gal 1: 3-10; Ezk 33: 30-33 What happens if you are in your house at night and during a storm the power goes off? Unless you happen to have a flashlight in your pocket, you will carefully negotiate your way through the dark to that drawer or closet where you have stored a flashlight and then use that to throw some light into your home’s inner darkness. I experience this frequently when I go into our small church at night. Even though I am very familiar with the layout of that small space, with all the icon stands, chairs, tables, flower vases, music stands, and carpets, in the dark, walking can be treacherous. Seeing the full reality of that space requires light. This is the image Jesus is describing in today’s gospel lesson. Indeed, all three vignettes share the same message. How do we see reality? Through the light of the...