Pathfinders Discover Signs of the Times

By Brother Luke
My dogs and I often hike our trails. Recently, I have set out with Kahn and sometimes with my new puppy Laith. Keeping the trails groomed is a constant task. But over the last year or so, we have also begun making some changes.
Kahn at the beginning of the trails

A number of our guests use some of their retreat time here to hike our trails. Recently they have been noticing the changes. The trails run approximately four miles in length, if you take all of them.  Over the past few months we have been adding signs to the trails to improve the markings and lessen the possibility of people getting lost. Our new welcome brochure [click here to view], which offers a self-guided tour of the monastery grounds, includes a map of the trails.  We brought back the old “yellow” trail, which bisects the main circle route that is marked with red signs. Some of the trails are modified and now include alternate return paths marked in orange.  The yellow trail now offers two options, like Scotland, a high road and a low road!  A new blue trail goes down to our small creek.  And we still have some of the old trail signs.

Kahn and that pesky little guy, Laith, show you some of the paths and the new signs. From time to time we will run additional photos of the paths as the seasons change.  These recent photos are what fall, leading into winter, looks like.

Old trail blaze, some still helpful

Kahn checking out landmarks
along the way
New red trail signs added

Blue trail leads to our small creek

Some trees fall and leave impressive
monuments to their demise

They also take some of the trail
signs with them

Kahn checking out the view

Old trail sign marked by Woodpecker

"Kahn, we're lost, where is the trail?"

More choices, reopened "yellow trail"

Alternate route marked with
orange trail signs

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