Vocation: Who Calls Whom?
By Brother Gregory “What would you like to be when you grow up?” I often heard this question when I was a child. I had no idea how to answer, being a little child, and I would shout out, “a teacher!” In grade school my role models were many teachers, and on Sundays my role models were priests and nuns in full habits. Other role models in my early childhood were police officers, firemen, Post Office workers, and more. These were the professions that my neighbors practiced when I was growing up. Then came high school graduation, and I had to decide where I was going. I went to college expecting to become a teacher, but the word got around that there were too many teachers, and I decided to change my major to sociology. After graduation in 1974, I entered the world of social work, and that was a good choice because all my role models had been people who helped others as teachers, police officers, firemen, Post Office workers, and more. Going to the local Cathol...