Homily-Eulogy for Sister Rachel, March 15, 2016
“Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” At Orthodox funerals it is customary to sing, as we did, the gospel Beatitudes. This I believe is because those who have fought the good fight and died in good conscience by the grace of God have experienced something of these blessings... Philosophers like Kierkegaard and spiritual writers since St. Paul have struggled with the Beatitudes, especially “Blessed are the pure of heart.” Some have written that purity is the single-minded focus with their whole heart and mind on what is most important in life, that pearl of great price someone would sell everything to gain. Many have simply reduced it to the physical. Others say the "pure of heart" are those who have been cleansed from the inside out by great suffering or great love. Like gold or silver that has been refined by fire, they have come to terms with the traumas of life and have become whole and spiritually mature. They often show a certain innoc...