A Visit to Noah's Ark
Reflections by Brother Luke From time to time, Bill Cosby’s comedy routine about Noah’s Ark will come to mind, and it always brings a smile to my face. “Noah…Noah!” God’s voice booms out, followed by a sheepish reply from Noah. The image of gathering two of all the animals of creation onto a boat to save them from the impending flood resides not only in the worlds of Biblical story and mythology but also in folklore. As a story of salvation it can warm our hearts to imagine all the wonder of seeing so many different kinds of animals all parading up to the Ark and joining in a colorful display of the variety and beauty of God’s creation. On the other hand, if it is an example of a lived experience of managing all those animals in a small space on a boat during an horrific storm at sea, the romance of it all may fade away in the face of the logistical reality of feeding, housing, and cleaning up after all those glorious (and anxious) creatures. Back...